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Hot Weather Affects The Sales Of Ice Cream

Arrived later than I planned so it was a mad rush to get the tent up, so I could get fishing. It was very hot and humid, and mostly sunny. I settled down in the shady swim at the back of the lake, near the no fishing area island, with the up turned boat.

After an hour of no bites, I went wandering around with just a float fished boilie rod, and of course at the faithful spot I got a 11lb carp almost straight away. I virtually wandered around the entire lake but had no more action for the day. Very disappointing but probably to be expected. It was too hot, and it had put the fish off the feed. Still I had a relaxing day, caught the sun, and had a nice barbecue in the evening outside the tent.

I need to get into surface fishing soon, as there were a lot of carp cruising on the surface. It seems that the carp have got used to the hot weather and started feeding again.Suspendisse vitae quam lorem, in tempus velit. Suspendisse vitae quam lorem. Aenean orci ante, venenatis non adipiscing vitae, fringilla et neque. In pharetra, eros imperdiet luctus imperdiet, nunc sem pharetra mi, vel faucibus elit risus id tortor.

Suspendisse vitae quam lorem, in tempus velit. Sed vitae ante quis felis fringilla condimentum.Aenean orci ante, venenatis non adipiscing vitae, fringilla et neque. In pharetra, eros imperdiet luctus imperdiet, nunc sem pharetra mi, vel faucibus elit risus id tortor.Suspendisse vitae quam lorem, in tempus velit. Sed vitae ante quis felis fringilla condimentum.

Aenean orci ante, venenatis non adipiscing vitae, fringilla et neque.ppIn pharetra, eros imperdiet luctus imperdiet, nunc sem pharetra mi, vel faucibus elit risus id tortor. Suspendisse vitae quam lorem, in tempus velit. Sed vitae ante quis felis fringilla condimentum. Duspendisse vitae quam lorem venenatis non adipiscing vitae, fringilla et neque. In pharetra, eros imperdiet luctus imperdiet, nunc sem pharetra mi, vel faucibus elit risus id tor.

Published on 5 July 2013

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