mission statement

The Harry Matthews Bowel Transplant Trust has been set up primarily to support children who are listed for...

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Your donations

Any donation, however small, may enable a family member to visit their child in hospital or help towards food and living...

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our support

If we can alleviate the financial burden caused by frequent admissions to specialist units, this can...

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More information

For more information on the medical facts concerning small bowel transplantation and the options available...

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Who We Are

What We Do

The Harry Matthews Bowel Transplant Trust is a small charity committed to improving the lives of bowel transplant recipients and their families.

The charity supports children who are listed for small bowel transplantation and their families by providing a hardship fund to alleviate some of the financial burden caused to families by frequent admissions to specialist units pre and post transplantation surgery.


Bowel transplantation is a highly specialised operation for life threatening complications of intestinal failure.

Children with various, rare conditions which may eventually require intestinal transplantation are seen by many specialist teams during many inpatient stays and outpatient visits to hospital; Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, Nephrologists, Radiologists, Physiotherapists, Dieticians, Psychologists, Play Specialists and many more.

Financial Help

These long stays in and frequent follow-ups to hospital (sometimes for many months at a time, a long way from home and separated from other family members) can put tremendous emotional, practical and financial pressures on families.

The high cost of living, particularly in London and the suspension of key benefits when a child is an inpatient causes enormous emotional and financial strain at a time when parents are already trying to cope under exceptionally difficult circumstances.

Giving Support

This situation is made even more difficult when a patient is over 16, as their benefits cease quickly. We believe that if we can ease some of the financial pressures that long stays in hospitals can create, we are providing some practical assistance and easing some of the families’ stress.

We aim to provide families a much needed life-line during one of the most stressful times of their lives.

our goals

Mission Statement

our son

Mission Statement